Morveus is place to share for us. Share about our bike, problems, modification and so on in the Largest Indonesian Community, Kaskus. On 26th of November 2011 Morveus had a plan for gathering in Mega Kuningan Timur IV. The primary agenda is about distributing our official shirt then talk more about Morveus future. Actually we had no regular schedule for gathering, so when I heard about this I was excited. This is my chance to meet my same interest cyber pals. Then I contacted my nearest friends to go together decided for our first checkpoint. Finally we decided to meet in BSD.

Start with three bikes me, Dsythe, and Leepye our convoy was added by two more friends from Tangerang, Neothunder and Joecloudy. I learned lot about rolling together with motorcycles. Hand signs, pointing about the direction, and notice a bad road by putting down foot. Moreover I just feel a great sensation in convoy with same bike type. This is my first time. When we arrived we just parked our bike immediately in line. Then wait for other.

Morveus troops :D
Our member was arrived one by one until its complete. Then we start the agenda. Our leader was asked to discuss about the future of this community. Is the community going to be legal as an organization or just a free community? We decided this community are just to be free.

We continue by sharing about our bikes, stories, and also photo session.

Ready to go home

See you on next gath! :D

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Accident in Indonesia

Photo by Antara
According to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, at least 1000 accident reported in Jakarta during 2010. This fact is totally awful where some of that case caused death. Now, the traffic turned to the dangerous place in Indonesia. As soon as possible this problem must be solved to create a safety for motorist. Accident in Indonesia not only caused by careless driving but also caused by other factors like bad infrastructure and bad vehicle condition.

Some drivers are careless about their vehicle and some other just send it to bad service station for cost reason whereas a regular check for vehicle is important. The most prominent part to check regularly is tires and brake. Those parts are absolutely important for our safety. When their condition is going bad it will threat us. Bad tires will lose your control and make you easily slipped in the road as well as bad brake.

Another aspect that supports the occurrence of accident is bad infrastructure. While small country like Singapore has good traffic facilities, Indonesia which is a big country has bad facilities. Broken traffic light, not clear road sign, and poor road just describe the condition of Indonesia’s traffic. This circumstance automatically threat motorist. They confused by terrible management which can lead an accident.

Poor road condition
The last but not least is about the driver awareness. The awareness especially in Indonesia is less both of the driver, rider, and public transport driver. There are still many motorists who disobey the law for unacceptable reason. Ran a red light, entering bus way road, against traffic flow, and other careless attitude like eat, grooming, and take a cell phone while driving will bring a nightmare; both for the pedestrians and the drivers.

It's dangerous!
To suppress the number of accident in Indonesia we must not only concern to the motorist but also the facilities as well as the officer. Road facilities improvement can be initial step for government to solve this problem. Then it can be followed by safety riding campaign to aware the public.

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