Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Beauty of IIMS 2012

As I promised, here they are the beauty of IIMS 2012. Inilah beberapa SPG yang tertangkap oleh kamera saya. (klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar)

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The crowd
We headed from Kawasaki Fun to Ride to Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2012 in Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran. IIMS is an annual automotive exhibition hosted by Gaikindo (Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia -Association of Indonesian Automotive Industry).

the legendary G 63 AMG
It was the first time I visit IIMS because I’m not really into cars. However, since I started to drive, I think car is also interesting. I mean, biker doesn’t mean you can’t drive and only ride a bike. :D

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Two automotive exhibitions visited by me in September 22, 2012. First is Kawasaki Fun to Ride. I’ve decided to attend this event a days before. However, in the morning my father asked me to have a drive practice.

“Ok, but I want to attend Kawasaki’s event…” I said.
 “It’s ok we’ll attend that event after practice” answered my father.
“Okay, let’s go” I said. I had a drive practice from my place, Pamulang to my cousin’s home in Kebayoran Lama.

The road was in a good condition that day, smooth enough. I finished my fist time practice and gained new record in driving haha.

the stage
Kawasaki Fun to Ride was a launching event for brand new Ninja 250 fi. First time I came in, “hmm it’s a good promotion to introduce the bike”. This event was not only for men but whole family to spend their weekend. Lots of entertainment filled in from live music, dancers, motorcycle freestyle, kid zone, and many more.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ikuti situs favorit via reading list blogger

Pasti kita semua punya situs favorit yang hampir pasti kita kunjungi tiap browsing. Terutama situs-situs yang memuat informasi yang kita inginkan atau kita butuhkan. Dari situs berita, blog, komunitas, sampai situs belajar online yang menyediakan materi bermanfaat tiap postingannya serta situs-situs lainnya.

Biasanya kita mem-bookmark situs-situs tersebut dan membukanya satu persatu untuk update. Selain itu ada cara lain yang lebih cepat dan menyenangkan yaitu lewat fitur reading list di blogger.

Bagaimana caranya?

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